Sunday, February 27, 2011

Friday Morning

So late last week, DS woke up early and he played in my room while I was getting ready for work.  One of the first things he did that morning was to take my cell phone off the charger on the nightstand and start playing with it.  The following conversation ensued:

Me:  Who are you calling?

DS: Da.

Me: Oh, well, Dad can't talk on the phone right now, he is still at work.  We'll talk to him later when he is finished.

DS:  'kay

I guess that DS decided that if he couldn't talk to Dad, he would at least send a text message, because the next thing I know, I get a text message from DH asking me to explain the text message he got from my phone (gibberish sent by DS).

Who knew a not quite 2 year old could have the courtesy not to call someone when he knows they are busy?

Monday, February 21, 2011

String Fabric project

So after making the heart blocks out of string fabric for this month's block lotto, I had some leftover pieces. I wanted to do something with them and this is what I came up with.
Now it just needs a little quilting and then a rod pocket and it will be a nice little wall hanging for some where in the house.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I just ordered 18 yards of fabric online and spent all of my project money!  I'm rather nervous that I won't like it or something.  I hope I picked the right colors.  We will see when it gets here I guess.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New projects

Well, I didn't win the block lotto my first month.  I really like the blocks though and I've already though of different ways to use them so I may be making more just so I can experiment with the different blocks and get a little more practice with machine quilting.

The February block for the block lotto is a string fabric heart. Here are my two blocks so far


I've got enough string fabric made for four more blocks.  I hope to get them done by the end of the month.

I was able to spend several hours quilting on Sunday thanks in part to my DH.  He took care of our son so I could get a little work done.  It also helped that I woke up at 4:00am and couldn't go back to sleep so I got up and started quilting.  I was able to piece an entire top for a crib sized four-patch and even get it put on my frame, ready to go when I want to get started again.  I'll have to get some pictures of it when it is finished.